It’s amazing to me how fast this game has been ruined. I decided to play Siel Asmodian due to aion classic kinah the fact that it was the most populated and strongest faction. I had the highest level of enchanted plat gear , and completed the 30e armor and other accessories in week 3. I’m unable to find any Elyos to be killed in the abyss except it’s during peak hours. I searched for 50s in the abyss , and we found 44 Asmodians and 11 Elyos of the level 50s in Reshanta. I’ve tried using radar hacks to find the 2 or 3 Elyos within the Abyss every time. I’m getting ready to end my time because of how boring the game is. Dredgion cannot come quickly enough.

Wow, everything you just described is the reason the classic Aion game is so awful. It’s because of players just like you who rush to win and do not enjoy the or rifting. They spend 3000$ for the kinnah, and display no remorse towards cheating.

This is the reason that EVERYONE quits the game. You, sir and all the other players who performed the same thing, are the reason. No one is interested to play a pvp tournament where people put their two month salary into a game that was ahead, only to OS everyone else in the experience, and the majority players were extremely excited over the possibility of playing blue shulack pvp, the that they include coins as well as the enchant stone has already caused the grind. to a curved. Wow!

It is difficult to find us since a lot of us have been banned from SR-quest repeated and the others, that aren’t banned, are scared of doing anything else because of the risk of being banned from doing other useless activities. Others are frustrated with the lack of help from NCSHiT.

Although the monetization process of the game isn’t optimal, it’s not a huge effect on the game at the top end. Whales will continue to buy goldsellers regardless of whether or they are actually operating. It is usually cheaper to do this, especially because it’s so simple. Kinah assists with manastones and enchants for endgame gear, but you’re not in a rush to max those out anyways. If you’re into mmorpgs on tabs, like grinding, and are interested to play a game that focuses on pvp, this game is definitely worth playing.

This is the perfect time to begin as the patch currently doesn’t contain a lot of content but on the next patch we’ll be getting a pvp instance, an endgame armor hunt set, an endgame instance etc.

I am able to earn 20,000 ExP for every mob I kill but I’m getting only 400k from the quest. About half of the 2M EXP I gain from the quest is in fact from killing mobs. 200K/2M (10 10%) isn’t that evident. If I do 100 quests I’ve only lost 20M experience that’s euro aion classic buy kinah not even 1/10th of what is needed to go from 49 to 50.