Which Fildena Dosages Is Effect On ED?

Fildena is one of the major brands in erectile dysfunction problems in men and it has lower to higher dosages available and doctor prescribed it after examine how big is erectile dysfunction occure. India based fortune healthcare is manufactured this pills and export to all over the USA via online drug store like pillsforhims.com in cheapest price. 

Sildenafil citrate strong agent comes in fildena brand on any dosages there is 25 mg to 200 mg of dosages available like Fildena 150 mg | Fildena 100 | Fildena Professional | Fildena XXX | Fildena 200 like all the dosages are taken based on prescription and under doctor guidelines. 

It is easy to take with a full glass of water do not crush, mixed or take it half one also keep in mind do not take with alcoholic beverages or juice it can reduce sildenafil citrate which is a strong ingredient involved effects decrease.

Take 30 minutes before the sexual activities and stay in the body for as long as 8 hours.


yes, sildenafil citrate is the same drug used in viagra pills and it is the same drug used in fildena nothing different ineffectiveness, and nothing changes. But viagra comes at a higher price and fildena is come to the cheapest price. 

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