Supporting Your Partner Post Abortion

Various questions come to mind when considering the after-effects of successful abortion. Things can get very confusing, especially considering the stigma and political conflict surrounding the issue. There are psychological and physical effects to be considered in the case of providing support to your partner. The care that a person would need at this point would be both mental and physical in nature. When it comes to the support that a partner can provide, stress must be put upon the necessity of emotional comfort. While there are various ways in which to comfort a person post-abortion, the primary concerns have been listed out by the World Health Organisation.

According to the WHO, the following steps must be taken to provide efficient post-abortion care to a person:

  1. Slight pain after an abortion is normal and nothing to be concerned about. This is due to contractions in the uterus. The cramps can be relieved by using mild painkillers. However, if the pain continues to increase over time, it is best to consult with a doctor.

  2. There will be bleeding post-abortion, possibly for several weeks after carrying out an abortion. It will be similar to menstruation or vaginal spotting. It is important to change pads after four or six hours. The pad must be disposed of safely.

  3. According to Dr. William Henderson at Hisblue, it is also important to get ample rest after the procedure. Some people may need to rest for a couple of days, as it is possible to experience fatigue during this period.

  4. Sexual intercourse, specifically of the penetrative kind, is also to be avoided before the bleeding stops. 

  5. When sexual activities resume, make sure to practice safe sex and use contraceptives, especially to prevent STIs. 

Providing Emotional Support

Regardless of the opinion, one may have about abortion, the emotions that are caused after a successful abortion can vary from one extreme to another. On the other hand, your partner may not have a rise in the degree of emotion after the procedure. The reaction varies depending upon the individual. The change in hormones, especially the sudden drop in hormone levels, can cause varied reactions. Hormone levels are generally highest at around 17 weeks preceding the pregnancy, and these levels drop after an abortion. Here are some psychological or emotional reactions to be on the lookout for:

  1. Anger is a common response after abortion. During recovery, even if these emotions were not present beforehand, there may be certain feelings directed at oneself for having made the decision or for being put in a situation where abortion was necessary. Religious sentiments and the nature of relationships may be questioned. Such confusion and anger are understandable, and listening to the reason behind the anger and maintaining proper communication between both parties can be important.

  2. There can be significant amounts of anxiety experienced after an abortion. There can be fears related to future pregnancies. The guilt of having decided upon an abortion, fear of judgment from society, and religious struggles (if any) can also result in further anxiousness. This may lead to anxiety or panic attacks, which involve a racing heart or shortness of breath. The most efficient way to deal with such circumstances is to help your partner mimic heavy breathing techniques through slow and constant inhalation and exhalation.

  3. Along with anxiety, there can also be guilt. This need not imply that the person regrets their decision, however, it is a natural response to have. The fear of being judged by other people, especially close friends and family can be burdensome. Encouragement and a reminder of the support available from you may lift your partner’s spirits.

Warning Signs

While post-abortion care is about providing support, it is also helpful in ensuring that there have been no adverse side effects after the abortion. In case you notice any of the following signs in your partner, consult a health official immediately:

  1. High fever

  2. Dizziness

  3. Extreme abdominal pain

  4. Nausea or vomiting

  5. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge

  6. Excessive bleeding

Other ways to aid in post-abortion care:

Whether the abortion was surgical, carried out through an MTP Kit (medical abortion), or any other medical means, the body will need time to rest and heal. In this time when your partner goes through cramping, bleeding, and feelings of tiredness, certain things can be done to offer assistance:

  1. Helping with meals

  2. Proper hydration

  3. Things that can offer comfort, such as pillows and blankets

  4. Checking in constantly

  5. Keeping company whenever needed

  6. Follow up appointments

  7. Painkillers

  8. Heating pads

  9. Gifts or surprises

  10. Finding means of entertainment while resting

  11. Providing encouraging words and hopeful sentiments whenever necessary

  12. Maintaining communication and relaying genuine emotions

  13. Getting involved with the abortion and post-abortion process

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