I Have an Idea for an App, but I Don’t Know Where to Start

Maybe you have come up with an idea for an app but figuring out what should be the next move is the hard part. If you don’t know what to do after finding an app idea, then read this article; it would be helpful.

Creating a successful app is a long path; if you understand that, you’re lucky because not everyone is aware of that. We have created a detailed plan to help you with planning the long path clearly.

Detailed Plan to figure out what to do after the app’s idea

You must understand the involved risk

Launching an app is a business move, and it takes a significant amount of dedication, time and money. So, the first thing you need to figure is how much committed you’re.

Starting an app developing comes with high rewards and risks, but it could be a life-changing decision. However, if you’re not entirely committed and don’t understand the involved risk, it would result in a loss of thousands of dollars and months of time.

• Know about your app’s value proposition

There are more than 2 million apps in the mobile application software, which means it’s difficult to get discovered. The only way to get discovered and achieve long term success is to know about your app’s uniqueness.

Make sure when you’re brainstorming your app’s unique selling points, keep it in line with your brand. Also, highlight the attributes that makes your app different and why users should download it over your competitors.

• Create a business model

You’re not only building an android app but also launching a business and a product. That is why creating a business model is crucial. If you’re just starting out, make sure that you’re creating an in-depth business plan.

During the business plan creation, make sure you figure out the basics, and how everything can work together, that should be the initial step.

• Analyse your app idea’s market

Your app will not be working in one vacuum but will be surrounded by competitions. Hence, you must validate your app idea and then compare it with your existing competitors.

So, first, you need to start by specifying a primary goal for your app idea. After that, you’ll need to determine your target audience because you will have to sell your app idea.

Answer the questions, who would be interested, who are your average users because if you don’t know your target audience, it’ll be challenging to know what to do next.

Lastly, perform a thorough competitive analysis like collecting information on your competitors in the app market.

• Put your idea on paper

If you want to evaluate all the project pieces and determine your business needs, you must get the app out of your head and onto the paper. If you don’t what are your needs, how you want the app to, probably your developer won’t know either.

Giving flesh to your idea in a detailed manner depends upon you. But remember that the deeper you dig, the more confident you can be. Being confident, you can schedule the app’s project and the expected budget.

• Find co-founders and partners

Starting an app company isn’t a small thing. Ideally, you should have at least three co-founders on board. Find people who will be interested in helping you develop and market your app idea.

Make a partnership agreement because, with the help of your partners, you would get the financial support required for the project’s completion. Also, your partners will be able to take numerous business’s aspects, such as software development, marketing, etc.

• Get funding or find investments

Lack of funds is one of the primary reasons why people can’t bring their app idea to reality. Hiring mobile developers, testing, deploying and promoting the application is expensive; hence, you must develop a budget.

There are a lot of options, such as personal finance and savings, close friends, sponsors. And if those don’t work out, you can go for application contests, credit, investors and crowdfunding.

Applications contests can help if your app is a winner; investors would get you the necessary funds to develop and promote the app. Banks can give money on credit if you present to them a well-thought plan.

Lastly, there are investors and crowdfunding who can provide you with capital to develop an application.

• Execution

Execution is not only essential but is also the most challenging part. Even though you have the best app in the world, if you have not executed it, then thinking of the app means nothing.

When the app idea struck your mind, the first step you should be doing is to know how committed you’re and start the execution.


I hope after you read the full article, you’ll know the priorities you need to go for after you have an idea for an app. But you must understand that it requires both time and energy to achieve success in the app market. Once you are aware of your long path, you’re well on your way towards your dream app business.

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