I frankly think it probably is a good strat for novices

Why not other people kill zuk healers. That looked so much simpler than the individuals who get dragged by blowpipe.Much reduced dps.It’s like 1/2 the dps. I guess that means you’re face more mage/ranger waves because zuk heals more and he’ll be enraged for longer.But I have seen soo many people die due to blowpipe pathing it feels like it would be well worth it for a RS gold few. You get some dps that is increased since spells are the range of the bp. And recovery so you don’t have to fret about healers that are brewing.

I frankly think it probably is a good strat for novices. Nearly every time I see somebody doing their cape on twitch they miss many ticks with blowpipe that they’re probably not even doing half their spreadsheet dps and they brew down their range level as they get spooked. If you can get that half dps figure at precisely the exact same time that going to make your life simpler using more range, a implementation requirement, and healing.

RuneScape makes healers consistent and Simple

It makes healers simple and constant, so you could make the argument that individuals should use blowpipe until they improve in the event that you get great with blowpipe. But a great deal of people simply care about getting blood barrage and one kc might be an easier way.

I could be remembering incorrectly. Took him 11 tries to perform, meaning he had to receive each time to a lvl 3 flame cape JUST to try to get the smallest cmb inferno cape.

Edit – I misremembered, Xzact didn’t get a lvl 3 fire cape, but did not need to use a lvl 3 flame cape acc for each effort since he desired protection prayers to the inferno anyways.He utilizes protect prayer in inferno correct? Probably did not need to do a level 3 flame cape every time.Oh shit you are right he does utilize protect prayers. I believe he just mentioned in a flow the way the inferno cape could go lower if a person did the lvl 3 f cape route along with other mechanics.Inferno does not give you prayer xp so prayer is a totally free ability to get. Fight caves is tedious and costly with it.

It’s impressive but its cape with food, no pillars, potions or chemical. Weapons & pray flicking only.Woox himself said he will not try Lvl 3 firecape since it’s less of a challenge. Level 3 fire cape is only tick manipulations and exploits for over 100+ hours. Inferno pray flicking takes abilities as you ca trap mobs and utilize runescape mechanics to cheap RuneScape gold wear them down. You have to fight & may basically never earn a pray movie mistake whilst frequently multi flicking for multiple minutes on end.

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