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Erectile Dysfunction: What are the Symptoms?

A person who is obese should not be treated differently from others. He must have the right to live, enjoy life and eat more. The issue of obesity is not always about how plump a person looks, but rather on how unhealthy his lifestyle is. Obesity can cause more serious diseases than it is normal.

It means that you didn’t exert more effort to maintain your ideal weight and avoid a variety of chronic diseases.

This condition is known as Obesity Erectile Dysfunction, which is currently being experienced by over fifteen million Americans. It gets worse every day and the number of people who are affected keeps increasing.

The reason for the condition

Many factors and processes can cause obesity and erectile dysfunction. A decrease in blood flow to the penile region is one of these factors. Fildena xxx is safe and effective drug to treat erectile dysfunction.

Due to excessive fat intake, obese people often experience a decrease in blood flow to their penile area. If these fats aren’t burned, they build up and eventually cause vessel infarction or blockage. The blood vessels that carry nourishment, hormones and oxygen can become blocked. This causes impotence. Nitric oxide also dilates the blood vessels of the penis, which allows blood to flow.

People with obesity-related erectile dysfunction did not release Nitric oxide because their epithelium was damaged from excessive insulin production, which aids in the digestion and absorption of bad cholesterol. People with obesity have higher levels of bad cholesterol, which causes their insulin rate to rise.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Obesity erectile dysfunction is a condition that manifests itself in the form of obesity. This means that he is either overweight or obese, appears plump, and has uneven body fat distribution. Also, there are more adipose tissue than muscles. He might sweat more and be more active in overeating.

Erectile dysfunction can also be present. One of the most obvious is the inability to maintain or initiate erection during sexual activity. There are also psychological issues that can occur, including confusion, depression, anxiety, and other mental problems. The person might feel helpless or empowered and may also experience a low self-esteem, which can lead to sexual dysfunction.

If the situation is serious, the patient may experience erectile dysfunction and other diseases secondary to obesity. These chronic diseases include diabetes mellitus and myocardial injury, atherosclerosis, kidney problems, and atherosclerosis.

How do you manage the condition

Obesity erectile dysfunction management focuses on treating the underlying disorder. This includes a healthy diet and exercise.

If impotency is a major concern, the patient can seek advice from their health care provider about alternative therapies, herbal medicines, and other pharmacological treatments.

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