Every game has at the minimum of 40 players


The theory is that the forces of evil have driven guthix and saradomin(and any other gods that aren’t averse to zombies in general) out of the game, so now zamorak and RS gold other gods of the dark have taken over, filling the world up with skeletons and zombies and many more vile monsters. You can’t attack the other players in this mini-game, you can only attack opponents. To allow teams to collaborate There is multi-combat all over the place.

Every game has at the minimum of 40 players. Every player is taken to a city, either Varrock, Lumbridge, or seer’s village. All players must defend their city until the zombies have been defeated. They’ll appear in waves, with each one becoming harder. When they’ve overcome waves 5 and 6 The spirits of dead warriors will take them to falador where they will meet the other teams. They all first have to defeat “the hive” that is a massive egg-shaped shape that releases a horrible gunk into players. Once they have defeated that, a giant boss zombie will emerge from it. It starts at level 400, and grows to 20 levels for each player left on the field.

Once you’ve defeated the boss zombies corrupt points are earned that can be used to earn rewards in the mini-game. The rewards include the rod of Darkness, a mystical staff that drains three quarters of your health, and causes damage of 25 to any person within five aquares of it (note: this only works only if you’re fully healthy).

Rod of light, A magical staff that locks the target to be bound for 5 seconds. It drains 1/10 of their health every second. The remaining health is then transferred to your hitpoints. It seems too complicated so I won’t go on. Please leave a comment as constructive criticism and suggestions on how to improve your idea. Tell me which parts need to be tweaked, or taken out altogether. And if you like the sound of it, please support! Thank you for taking time to read this.

Case of the detective. Your task is to establish that your client is not guilty of the crime they’re accused of. They could be accused of burglary, others steal, some fraud, a little bit of scamming, and possibly murder. You must gather the evidence and show that you are not innocent in court in less than half an hour.

Starting point: seer’s village courthouse. Contact the person who is behind bars. Needs: King’s Ransom and wanted, For more information, talk with one of the suspects behind the bars. They will tell you that they need the services of a lawyer. If you agree to being an attorney, they will explain what they charged you with and the location. Contact one of the guards and buy RuneScape gold ask they take you to the scene. The evidence could range from broken windows to tiny fingerprints.

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