ELECTRIC SCOOTERS 2022: the differencesThere are three main types of electric scooters on the market,hoverkat, also called electric unicycles: classic electric scoot​ers, hoverboards (also called self- balancing scooters or street boards), and segways (also called chariot scooters).Often, these objects are thought of as mere toys. Although they remain excellent to give to children and young children, they are real means of transport also designed for adults.Abroad, especially in the United States, they are very fashionable and are spreading more and more in metropolises because they are fast, ecological, and easy to use and a valid alternative to the car, especially to avoid traffic at peak times. Not to mention they are fun to use!In Italy they are slowly spreading and, thanks to reduced and advantageous prices, you and your children too, can be fashionable, moving with style, between the streets and parks of your city .Classic electric scooters, segway kart, hoverboards and segways work mainly in the same way (albeit with some differences), i.e. with weight balance and / or controls operated by pressing the feet or using the handlebars.What materials are electric scooters made of?Electric scooters, hoverboards and segways are ideal for getting around outside and are also called micro-mobility means. Precisely because their use is purely external, the material must be resistant to impacts but also to bad weather.Resistance, however, does not have to sacrifice lightness: in the best models, in fact, the frame has a low weight. The reason is twofold: ease of use and ease of transport.The most common materials for the frame are steel, aluminum and carbon fiber. Some inserts especially for the handlebars of scooters and segways may be made of plastic or similar materials. The important thing is that they still have waterproof and resistant coatings.On which terrains to use the means of micro mobility?We are used to seeing scooters and Segways on paved roads or in any case on smooth and urban terrain. But can they also be used on dirt roads?The answer is yes. If you are a lover of adventure, you can experience a journey with micro-mobility vehicles even in the countryside, on beaches and on challenging terrain. All this is possible thanks to the specific wheels for off-road and off-road, larger, balanced and resistant than those for asphalt. Off-road models are available for electric scooters, segways and even hoverboards.Should a helmet be used?The means of micro-mobility are partly a novelty in Italy and the Italian legislation is also adapting in small steps. A fundamental point to clarify is the use of the helmet.According to the Toninelli Decree, segway cart, which came into force in July 2019, the helmet for scooters, seaways and hover boards is not mandatory. But pay attention to circulation, as we explain in the next blog.


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