It is only a check of floors of the same design

Good news for me. We’ll see if I can keep earning high-end xp points for the same job. The good news is that I can reset. I can do a reset, then something like f25 to Cheap OSRS Gold max out xp. Is that right? Now… what is the method by which they determine prestige? A formula? Everything I want to be aware of.

I’ve been able to answer you on multiple occasions for nearly the same thing… this is the only time I’ll try it. Does that mean I can earn xp doing F25 repeatedly even if I play the f12? I got 4k to be a prestige, then 1.7k. What is the difference? The way I described it, you will get XP in exchange for your prestige floor plus XP on the floor you actually took divided by two. Also, do you get an extra xp bonus for becoming a sharp shooting or battle magic?

Also, when I try repeatedly f12 and am getting ticked off f6 and then f7 is the base xp used for either f12 or f7? What is the one I am doing or the one that is ticked off? The prestige number you have earned XP floor plus XP for the floor you actually completed divided by two. If you are checking off something less than what you actually completed it is counted as the floor below as the floor you actually do. F12 is abd and does not take off frozen floors.

What is your high-profile number? The highest floor? The number of floors completed before your last reset. How much xp/h can i anticipate in F2P? If my progress is between 20 and 25… and I do f20 or below and I do not get any the prestige?

It is only a check of floors of the same design. Frozen 1-11 Abd 12-17 Furn 18-29 Abd2 30-35. I don’t get prestige anymore. I’ve always had prestige prior to Old School RS Gold when I resettled it. Now I don’t get any prestige for f25 even although my progress is only 19.

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