THE 7-point checklist for SEO

The 7-point checklist for SEO

The search engine optimization of content is the decisive factor for digital attention and business success on the Internet. seo firm in birmingham , How to create search engine friendly content? Which SEO criteria are particularly important here? And how can existing content be optimized for Google? This checklist can be used to check the seven most important SEO aspects for content.

1. What is the user looking for?

Content is there for the reader. The user is looking for something very specific. For the searcher (and the search engines), the focus of the content must therefore be very clear. Should a topic be treated in general? Or is the content dedicated to a specific aspect of the topic? The work on the content of a website should therefore be based primarily on this very simple question from start to finish: What is the user looking for?

If a topic is dealt with comprehensively, content that is spread over individual pages that build on one another scores points. There are sub-pages for specific aspects.

Content formats that have a clear focus are more successful than those that overlap both in terms of content and keywords .

It is also important that the respective focus is immediately recognizable. Ideally, the user should notice the thematic layout of a website at first glance.

2. Write timeless: evergreen content

Nothing is as old as yesterday’s newspaper. This wisdom also applies in the Internet age – perhaps even more dramatically. Consistently good rankings are only achieved by content that will still be up-to-date in the future. Timelessness is therefore an important criterion for sustainable content that consistently achieves good rankings.

Evergreen content is relevant, well-structured, holistic – and timeless. For the creator, this not only means that relative dates such as “five years ago”, “yesterday” or “tomorrow” have no place in texts with sustainable ranking claims. It is best to mark time-critical passages in the content so that you can adjust them from time to time. Google registers such changes with plus points.

3. How much? The quantity also matters

Content counts for SEO . But the scope of the content also has an influence on the Google placement. And this is where the top criterion when creating content comes into play: What is the user looking for? When it comes to making important purchasing decisions, extensive articles about the properties of products are very popular. Here you can go into detail and offer the reader a lot. After all, the Internet has become the most important research source for product information. And for research, it can also be a bit more.

But if you are looking for repair instructions for a common problem, seo training institute birmingham , you want to read as little as possible in order to get to your goal immediately. In such cases, the secret of good search engine rankings lies mainly in the brevity of the content.

4. How is the competition doing?

Of course, the quality of the content also depends on the pages advertising to the same audience and targeting similar keywords. It is therefore important to find out how the competitors work. What characterizes the content of the most successful competitors? Conduct a competitive analysis. The following aspects should be taken into account:

Language level, tonality, text length

Competent presentation, depth of content

Content formats such as text, images, videos

The competition determines the height of the bar – and thus also the effort required for good rankings. For keywords whose top pages are dominated by user-generated content, the language level requirements are often lower. But even here there are differences. The analysis of the competitor’s content is definitely advisable in order to check the current position and quality in the context of the targeted search queries.

5. Structured, clear, simple

Content under the SEO magnifying glass – this also means structuring the content in a user-friendly way. Does the reader immediately find what he is looking for? If not, the bounce rate increases – and Google also uses this value to evaluate content. An excellently written text is of little use if it is not presented clearly, clearly and simply. Even small changes can work wonders here:

A table of contents with jump marks at the beginning of the text

Subheadings that structure the text and loosen it up visually

Tables, enumerations and lists

Images, graphics and videos

A larger typeface can also help convey content better. This aspect is particularly important for mobile devices. It is often the first impression that determines whether the visitor stays on the website or clicks on the back button of their browser.

6. Added value instead of self-promotion

Many websites resemble advertising brochures. They do not provide any useful information to the user. In the age of content marketing , such sites usually make little sense. Google and other search engines place pages with really relevant content on the top spots. Because content means added value for the user. They want to find something new, useful, or entertaining—something to share or like.

7. Optimize internal and external links

The link structure of a website is an essential quality feature. With a hyperlink, the referring page makes external content a kind of part of its own content. Ideally, ppc training institute birmingham , a page contains many internal links so that visitors stay on the same domain. But external links are also useful for search engine optimization. Because users are more likely to return to a page that contains high-quality references than to a digital dead end without any links. Google also registers the link structure of a website and evaluates a good link as a plus point in terms of content.


Search engine optimization of content is a continuous process that often requires a lot of effort. The demands of the user are the measure of all things. Anyone who offers the user added value will be rewarded with a good ranking on Google and Co.

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