Quality milestones. Pull Compensation

Secrets of contraction compensation, I repeat that in machine embroidery digitizing there is such a distortion of the object’s shape as stretching, or stretching, or elongation (push). It is the increase in the length of the object along the length of the stitch. Distortion of the shape of the contour occurs under the influence of the thickness of the thread and the value of the density.

There are also a lot of omissions around this concept. I propose to deal with this once and for all.

Compensation for a defect of extension (elongation, stretching) is an intentional distortion (deformation) of the shape of design objects when creating a program. It serves to avoid deformation defects during the embroidery process, for example, distortion of the shape of objects (so that circles do not become ovals, and squares – rectangles).

Pull compensation (Push compensation, push comp, Half-pitch compensation)

There are 2 ways to add this compensation to an object:

  • manually distort the shape – remove several stitches from the ends of the element
  • adjust the corresponding parameter in the software

I would like to point out right away that it is not possible to automatically adjust the elongation compensation in every software. If this possibility still exists, then the following methods are proposed to adjust the automatic compensation parameter:

  • remove the desired number of stitches from the ends of the object
  • or reduce the length of an object by a certain number of millimeters

The ability to automatically control the elongation compensation parameters is available in Tajima DGML by Pulse, but only for the satin stitch type. This data corresponds to version 12 of this program. Maybe later versions have more features.

Compucon also allows you to work with this type of compensation. But in it, however, you can control the compensation only for fills (fill).

And WingsXP offers for satins to move the stitches from the open edges at a distance equal to half the thread thickness. For this, a parameter called half-pitch compensation is used. This parameter has only 2 values Yes and No

Well, and finally, the most delicious. These are the very recipes that everyone is interested in: what are the established values ​​of pulling compensation?

Pull compensation options I’ve come across:

  • for satin letters with a height of more than 1.5 cm, remove 1-2 stitches from the open ends
  • remove 2-4 lines for fillings
  • remove the more lines from open edges, the higher the density value
  • thicker threads need more push comp compared to thin ones

I repeat that all of the above options for parameters are conditional and serve only as starting points to start creating a design. Compensation is not an exact science to tell which value is absolutely correct.

Quality milestones. Fasteners

Bartack is a minor property of the stitch object. But this does not make it less important.

Bartacks – several short stitches 1-1.5 mm, but no more than 2 mm long, which prevent the embroidery digitizing services from unraveling.

The reason when you need to bartack:

  • At the beginning of the embroidery
  • At the end of the embroidery
  • Before thread trimming
  • Before / after jump / broach
  • Before/after the color change

It is better not to set uncontrollably, without a reason, as they serve as a reason for the formation of “bird’s nests” on the wrong side.

Placement options:

  • Manually
  • Automatically

Manual bartacks

Only a very small number of programmers use manual bindings. Usually, everyone is content with the possibilities that the software provides.

Manual bartacks are often set in the event that the automatic bartack at the end of an object of some kind becomes clearly visible on the embroidery surface or the bartack clearly deforms the outline. For example, in small letters on narrow contours. In this case, the bartack is digitized with a hand stitch so that it is hidden between the stitches.

Types of automatic bartacks

There are different types of automatic bartacks. Line and butterflies are considered standard. The options for their execution are as follows:

There are often a number of options in the software from which you can choose the one you want. For example, in Stitch Era Universal, the user is asked to choose from 5 bartack options:

Tajima DGML by Pulse 12 has only 2 bartack options. And in Compucon there are as many as 12 species!

In addition to this, some programs also provide for the possibility of modifying each type of bartack. Usually, this is a change in the length of the bartack stitch and the number of repetitions.


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