Cenforce Professional 100 Mg | Buy Sildenafil Online

Generic Sildenafil citrate is in cenforce professional. It increases the level of cGMP and inhibits the phosphodiesterase 5 enzymes. The cGMP level is increased due to the inhibition of this enzyme. This causes dilation of smooth muscles. This causes more blood to flow towards the male penile organ, which in turn leads to hard erection.

The drug acts on the blood vessels of the penis, causing their vasodilation. This is done by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE 5), which is responsible for the reduction of cGMP and further regulates blood flow. PDE 5 inhibition can lead to increased blood flow. The medicine is absorbed into the penis and helps maintain erection for a longer time. The medicine can maintain erection for up to four hours.

One tablet of cenforce taken orally 60 minutes before the intimate session. Make sure to drink enough water. The effects of cenforce are only temporary. It is recommended to wait 24 hours before taking another dose. You can take this medicine with or without food. However, fatty foods can reduce the medicine’s effectiveness. It should be kept at room temperature, in a dry and cool place. It should not be given to children or pets. Avoid exposure to drugs that are sensitive to heat, light, or freezing temperatures.

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