Maybe I didn’t make myself clear


That stated, logic hardly matters any more. Byleth simply uses his sword as Animal Crossing New Horizons Items an actual sword for dash attack, ftilt, and utilt. 3 attacks. Literally the whole remainder of his kit is filled with moves with an axe, lance, bow, and whip.

Maybe I didn’t make myself clear . I am not saying Sora is a terrible choice for Smash. He is actually my #2 most-wanted personality. I’ve played basically every major KH game (excluding KHX) and I was a avid KH forum-goer for over a decade.

Sora has tons of potential to get a fun and interesting moveset. But do characters like Corrin, Byleth, Pyra, Hero, etc.. Corrin transforms into a dragon, Byleth uses tons of unique weapons, Pyra uses fire attacks and transforms, and Hero has loads of charms and RNG command selection. Yet they get hated on to be”a different sword user”.

My point was that it’s hypocritical that people ask for characters like Sora in this match whilst whining about characters such as Pyra being”a different sword user”. Since Sora would play like a sword person, despite all of the excess things he’d bring to the table. Being a sword user isn’t bad, and no personality should be criticized for it so long as they bring an interesting twist on the archetype.

ROB I at least sort of get. Being old enough to have been around when ROBs were still a pretty common occurrence with NES’s; this thing was a bit of crap and up didn’t work for the large part. The two games he worked with weren’t even great on their own either. It just felt odd.

There were TONS other characters which would have filled his spot quite nicely, and IMO, a LOT more appropriately. Whereas characters that individuals were hyped to get many years make for comparatively unpopular figures (Simon, Banjo, Ridley, Villager, etc).

Beforehand folks get so involved in the possible and the hype. But once a character gets in, they are just another fighter in a fighting game. All that matters is them being enjoyable and/or strong to fight as

It doesn’t mean people do not /want/ to perform them. It means people /can not / play with them because otherwise they get punished by the faster, better characters and Animal Crossing Items For Sale the game isn’t enjoyable. Ridley was my most wanted first celebration but he kinda stinks, so I use him out of spite not cause he’s good.

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