Why Is Diabetes Amongst the Leading Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is sexual dysfunction, and there are various types of reasons of this condition, and most of the treatments offered for the treatment are only prescribed after careful enquiry of the reasons.

Diabetes is a disorder that is diagnosed when the blood sugar levels in your body become too high and it can also lead to nerve damage and tissue damage in the various parts of your body.

Living with Diabetes can be tough as it disturbs the insulin levels in your body and even damages the nerves and tissues in various parts of your body and even restricts proper blood circulation across the whole body.

Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual dysfunction that has been closely linked with diabetes, and as diabetes has no permanent cure as of yet, you are at risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction as long as you have diabetes.

Thankfully there are various types of cure offered for treating both diabetes as well as erectile dysfunction which your physician will prescribe to you after a careful examination of your condition.

How Does Diabetes Usually Lead to Erectile Dysfunction in Men?

Diabetes is a condition that is usually caused by the build-up of sugar in your blood, and due to this the blood flowing through the veins and your arteries is slowed down which can also increase the blood pressure in your body.

Proper blood spread is essential for most of the body functions of our body including sexual functions and thus it has an impact on men’s erections.

When a man is aroused the brain sends a signal to the penile region, which induces the production of nitric oxide in that region. The purpose of inducing nitric oxide in that region is to widen or expand the blood vessels that are lining the penile shaft. A surge of blood flows through all the blood vessels which are now widened with the help of nitric oxide and thus make the penis hard, which is termed as an erection.

But if the blood circulation is not good, the blood supply is less towards the penile shaft which can mean weaker erections or no erections at all.

Due to this, medicine such as Cenforce 200 is offered as they help in the process of widening the blood vessels and erectile dysfunction in men.

Another sexual dysfunction that you may suffer from diabetes and erectile dysfunction is premature ejaculation. You can say that there are no obvious links between diabetes and premature ejaculation, but this sexual dysfunction is often found along with erectile dysfunction.

It can make the man ejaculate almost immediately upon initiating the physical relationship with his partner which often ends up a disappointing and short lovemaking act which would only push your partner away from you.

But thankfully, there are cures such as Super Fildena and Super P Force which contain Sildenafil citrate and Dapoxetine drugs which treat both these sexual dysfunctions that you may have been diagnosed with after suffering from diabetes.

If you are a fan of the drug Tadalafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, there is another combination tablet called Super Tadarise, which has Tadalafil and Dapoxetine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

These medications treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, but just like diabetes, most cases of these conditions are not reversible, and there is no permanent cure for it.

If you suffer from diabetes, but you haven’t been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, you may not even have symptoms of it, but it is best to be careful and take preventive measures that will allow you to live a sexually fulfilling life even with diabetes.

Eating healthy food, which does not spike the sugar in your bloodstream, regular exercise, as well as good sleep, can help in the prevention of erectile dysfunction and even improve the signs of your diabetes if you are consistent about it.

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