It is an account that isn’t your main. Like an alternate account. Normally a smurf is somebody who is like Elite two who performs on a Pro 3 account to 2K21 MT acquire games easier. That is terrible. The shot thing is borderline unplayable, they’re selling their soul to the E-Gaming bullshit, I’m outside, pass. Sticking to 19 as I were last year also.
First person shooters over concentrated on this for a little while also. Gameplay innovation can come to a halt if groups are always a slave to market audience. I am not sure the aim meter needs to be something that is a negative to non egamers. There is benefit to not having to worry about timing. You do not need to worry about special timing windows like fade aways. You don’t have to worry about memorizing different shooters methods and just playing as particular teams that you’re use to. I didn’t feel natural with it even after practice but if they improved upon it I could see it being better than time.
When I am buying it, after Christmas, for 20 dollars, first thing I’m doind is reversing it into the classic shot meter. Bruh the way tf do I use the shot stick effectively and whats its purpose. All im doing is broad right layups. If I just use. Guru Stick jump shooting is principally based on aiming. Pull directly down and then adjust based on the meter. I am unfamiliar with this lol. How am I supposed to adjust a euro step layup in the lane at a split second?
You begin as you normally would, then swing the rod to target. It takes some practice to get used to. I didnt realize shot timing is totally gone now. That holding the pole as long as possible is actually helpful and not a really overdue release. I skipped 2k21 and was thinking of having this one, get a new 2k every couple of decades.
However, myLeague can be a little laggy in deeper seasons on games, so if you can get it on PC that’d be ideal. Its being downloaded as talk, I can squander the other $55 I was gonna spend on 2k21 on something else I dont noone gonna talk about the way the DEMO is 35 gigabytes? 35g for 5 matches, 2ku, and just 6 slots that are available for player assembles….hmm I’m no developer but 35g is insane for just how small we get in the demonstration. What gets me is Buy MT 2K21 that the damn restrictions. Like why? What type of demo puts a limit?! It’s 1 thing if a Beta ends imagine COD beta only lets you begin the game 5 times maximum even though there is 10 times left. The fuck?