Why you would want to be an Elemental Shaman

Why you would want to be an Elemental Shaman is because you like being mobile thanks to plenty of Wolf and having an earth grab totem in order to rip people off of you WoTLK Classic Gold. On top of having the ability to do a lot of damage, if you were able to free casting into a target using Lava Burst and Chain Lightning, not to include wind shear totems as well as off heels.

Even though you don’t want to play as an Elemental Shaman is because they are going to be very focused as the target for children since they are aware that if you cast into someone that person is basically dead. Additionally, there aren’t many defensive cooldowns to save your life. If you’re instructed in a specific position and you don’t have your storm a earth grab that the death of your character is virtually assured.

When you fight a skilled le shaman you’ll feel as if you can’t cast a single spell because of wind shear and drowning totem as well as a purge of every buff you have, allowing the player to be wiped out once the Elliott escapes and taps into you. A good Elliott will never drop the pressure , while taking down any target within their line of sight and is a major threat. In addition, they shaman this back as absolutely constant pressure after they are connected to a target due to purge the bloodlust is pure and they are spirit wolves. They also experience the shamanistic rage of a king, which reduces their display by 30 percent on a one minute cooldown, allowing them play extremely aggressively.

Their earthbound totems’ pulses eliminate any SLOs from them, as well as their wolves give them the ability to root rake as well as speed boost in addition to their healing. Once that enhancement shaman connects to a target it is only a matter of time until the target is dead in the event that they do not receive assistance cheap WoTLK Gold. Additionally, you get Maelstrom weapon which allows you to instantly tax off heels and any damage that they suffer. Taurus still have their totems to aid their team.

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